Rope Worm Solutions™
$234.99 – $305.99
Rope Worm Detox Protocol
The Core Solutions That Rid Many of “Rope Worm”
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Rope Worm Solutions™ Package Discussion:
- 2 – 4 Mix Core Ionic Cleanse™
- 2 Tincture Options
- Collagen / Bee Venom Support
- Pharmaceutical-Grade Enzymes
- Astringent Support (Tissue-Drying)
- Heavy Metal Chelator
- Crystal Pure Solutions™ Chlorine Dioxide Kit
- Enema Additive Selections
- Free – Rope Worm™ Belly Button Soak
This is a comprehensive package that includes a calendar, to be used as a guide and labels with full directions and ingredients. It is a collaboration of my own Rope Worm cleansing, personal experience, years of research, and feedback from thousands of other Rope Worm sufferers that have also utilized this protocol and reported their results to me.
I am proud to say that I was the very first person to publicly announce that I cleared my body completely of a Rope Worm infection, which has resulted in where I am today. My Rope Worm journey entails myself and my two children, ages ranging from 2 to 19. After sharing my results in social media groups, thousands of others followed this protocol, most all of which are now moved on with their lives. There were few, key remedies that helped most everyone.
This protocol can be done the way that I did it, which I call “cycles, or rounds”. The first stage, at recommended dosages and frequency lasts 4-6 weeks. With each stage, I gradually tapered down to half the dose, at half the frequency. With every new cycle, I stayed with what helped and replaced what didn’t. With tapering down, yet staying consistent, three cycles may last almost an entire year.
The core cleanse is available as 2 or 4 mixes. A “2 Mix Cleanse” consists of our intestinal sweep, rotated with a potent anti-parasitic blend. The “4 Mix Cleanse” consists of those same two blends, along with a toxin binding complex and probiotics with prebiotics.
There are tinctures to take daily, all of which have proven themselves effective in tackling Ropes. Some may help to release Rope Worm, while others may focus on pathogens that may live within it. Therefore, we formulated Rope Solutions™ herbal blend specifically for those prevalent pathogens. You may want to change up the tinctures as move forward in “rounds”, to target another layer and lower pathogenic resistance. We also have the Constipation Solutions for those that have chronic constipation during Rope detox.
We have a very special liquid collagen called OralToler~Ease™ that has mended minor cuts overnight, showing its potential to also help with leaky gut and leaky brain. The liquid collagen is the base of HiveZymes™ collagen with bee venom and other bee byproducts.
The biofilm matrix is held together by a glue called fibrin, which is a protein. Our SlimeZymes™ enzymes specialize in the dismantling of those protein and plant cells. The enzymes’ purpose is dependent on its use. If you want systemic support, then you take them in higher doses. For me, I was rotating my CrysaLynn™ and Candida Solutions™ enzymes, taking triple doses every three days, rather than a daily dose. Since then, I have collaborated the two to make SlimeZymes™. Your intentions determine their purpose, meaning that higher doses may go systemic, while smaller doses may help to digest food.
Astringents are also suggested for long term support for Rope Worm. Publications on Rope Worm also say to use astringents, such as eucalyptus and lemon. Drying out the tissues may help with regeneration factors. We offer options like eucalyptus and lemon herbal tea or hydrosols that we make. The hydrosol contains that particular plant’s compounds. The hydrosol is a great idea because they can be used by adding drops to your daily drinking water, ensuring a consistent saturation of your tissues.
Many suspect that heavy metals may be involved in Rope Worm. It is believed that we should do a metal detox at some point in our Rope Worm journey. You can work our Metal Mop™ into your daily regimen for chelation maintenance or it can be used as a more aggressive, focused, heavy metal regimen by taking it every 6 hours on days that you can concentrate on using it in that manner.
A chlorine dioxide combo comes with this protocol, but I urge you to do your own research on the benefits, uses, and the cautions before trying it. It is a product that you do not want to use improperly. It is for the purification of your drinking water as you detox. The pathogens involved with Rope Worm, according to its genetics, are also those that are known to infect drinking water.
We offer an enema additive for you to choose. I only suggest a small, disposable 4 oz. fleet enema bottle, rather than large equipment that requires you to insert liters of fluid into your body. Please use enemas wisely and know that while they may be necessary in the beginning “rounds” of your detox, Long-term enemas may be more detrimental that good. When you expel mostly only white or lighter-colored Rope matter, it may be a good time to taper down and eventually off of enemas. We suggest herbal support for long-term bowel motivation if needed.
A belly button soak may sound like a silly method to some. However, I had a powerful detox with navel soaking and I suspect that some of the harder to reach matter to be in the vicinity of inner areas around the navel. With expelling fiber-like matter after soaking my navel, I suspected were in areas almost unreachable by the otc medications and herbs that I had taken. I use the Rope Solutions™ essential oil scent for the navel soak because its oils have been studied for their on the effects on E. coli and Klebsiella pathogens, which were the two most prevalent pathogens found in the genetic testing of a Rope Worm. I only suggest a weekly navel soak.
It may take up to a year to successfully get rid of Rope, or longer. With the remedies in this protocol, you should have the tools needed to achieve your Rope Worm detox goals. You have to dedicate yourself and continue to treat yourself until you no longer see any Rope Worm matter.
Before getting started, we suggest that you research and consider intermittent fasting. Many also suggest monthly liver flushing. Many Epsom salt and vitamin C liver flush recipes can be found online. I also highly suggest raw egg smoothies as you detox. They provide us with enough nutrition to sustain life, ovarian stem cells that are identical to our own, and dense collagen. Your diet may ultimately determine your success. Carbohydrates and sugar may be your worst enemy.
I feel that I should mention that I took Reese’s Pinworm otc once a month, for approximately four months. It helped me to purge large amounts of aged Rope Worm, mucus, and it lowered my fungal symptoms. I released many different substances and very large Ropes when taking it. I took a monthly dose for two months, then went to every other month. I took four doses over a year’s time.
Those who have had Rope Worm may understand the threat to our health is very real and it may require bold and decisive attention. Regardless of if Rope Worm is found to be, we must learn of the mechanisms by which it forms, the behaviors of each of its components. There are already solutions, such as this package, and many claim to have rid themselves of Rope Worm at this point. Modern medicine has still to catch up. Science is not fully familiar with, recognizing, or currently studying the Rope Worm.
I urge anyone that wishes to learn more about this phenomenon to purchase the Rope Worm eBook, written by a friend and colleague, who understands this matter as I do. He has mentioned some of my theories, conversation points, and some of the theories that we have tossed around in our conversations over the years. Click Here.
Package Options:
1. Core Cleanse:
A “2 Mix Cleanse” is suggested for those who can still function. The two mixes consist of our intestinal sweep and parasite herbs. For those that are toxic, you may want to consider a “4 Mix Cleanse”, which includes those two as well as toxin binders and probiotics.
The intestinal sweep swells up, shoving large parasites, Rope Worm, and biofilm, clearing the intestinal tract overtime.
The parasite blend has THE most powerful herbs that you will find, including their larva and eggs.
Toxin binders may come in handy for those that are most sensitive, feeling extremely toxic, and to avoid “Herxheimer Reactions”.
Probiotics to reestablish the gut biome, as well as the prebiotics to feed them.
Available as powdered, traditional liquid tinctures, lipospheric tinctures, glycerites, or encapsulated. No matter the variation, the intestinal sweep comes powdered.
Intest~Ease™ (Intestinal Biofilm Sweep)
Parasite~Ease™ (Parasitic Purifier)
Impurit~Ease™ (Toxin Binder Complex)
Pro/Pre~Ease™ (Probiotics, Prebiotics, & Enzymes)
2. 2 Tinctures™:
These are blends that go after the different layers of Rope Worm. We must take into consideration many layers that include, but are not limited to, bacteria, fungus, viruses, and mucus production processes of the body, but also the biofilm matrix. Even though we have specific mixes in mind to recommend, many that are on their own Rope Worm journey may also have an individual herb that they may have heard of and want to try. Lastly, while most say to take tinctures under the tongue, we suggest considering taking them in a shot of water when it comes to Rope Worm. Get it directly to the source you are fighting, which is in the gut!
- Biofilm Grenade™ – Rope Solutions is a blend that I created with herbs that are active against the specific pathogens that were most prevalent in the DNA genome.
- Fluke~Ease™ – Where there is stagnation, there may be flukes thriving. They can be an easy battle for some, while the most difficult aspect for others. This blend was formulated based on herbs and essential oils that show potent activity towards flukes.
- Biofilm Grenade™ – Biofilm matrix formation, and dissolution, are highly involved in Rope Worm formation. If we dismantle biofilm, Ropes may not have a chance! It may also tackle common pathogens involved in the process, as well as blocking their quorum communication. It is based on Dr. Buhner’s recommendations, along with my own wildcrafted twist!
3. Collagen Support:
This is an option of the two collagen variations, where one is bee byproduct enhanced. Collagen replacement may be crucial to repair the damage that has been done to the linings when Rope Worm is an issue.
* OralToler~Ease™ – Our original collagen that is cold-processed from my own pasture-raised chicken eggs. It is named after a process called “Oral Tolerance”. “Oral Tolerance”, is the immune system’s ability to learn and recognize that a targeted protein may actually be good because we orally ingested it. This may lower anti-inflammatory attacks. It is one of a kind and my theory on collagen replacement with a Rope Worm infection has been mentioned in the Rope Worm eBook .
- HiveZymes™ – A bee-byproduct enhanced version for those that do not have a bee allergy, you can choose the HiveZymes™ which contains bee-byproducts like venom. Venom has actually been one of the tope remedies that have helped with what I call “Elevated Rope Worm”, which is when ir spreads to the upper cavities. In the medical field, this may be considered to be “casts”.
4. SlimeZymes™:
- SlimeZymes™ An enzyme blend that targets the layers of the biofilm matrix. This includes plant, fungal, and protein matter. Proteins are the “glue” of the biofilm matrix and fungus is comprised of cells that are made up of both plant and protein. it may also enter the bloodstream, dissolving many types of protein, such as free-floating cellular matter, including dead white or red blood cells. Other things made from protein are cholesterol, plaque, and scar tissue. When the intestinal tract cells create excess mucus, so may every other cell in body, including those of the blood and skin. Many believe Rope Worm may be more of a “Plantimal”!
5. Astringent Support:
Not only have I advocated astringent support with a Rope Worm infection, but they are also mentioned in publications. Astringents are plants compounds that dry mucus membranes, which seems to be involved in Rope Worm. A key to healing Rope Worm may be to disrupt the mucus production process. I offer the following hydrosols:
- Eucalyptus/Lemon Hydrosol Solutions™, is distilled water that is the result of eucalyptus and lemon steam distillation. It is like the liquid version of a plant, containing its compounds but they become liposhperic, naturally. You can add drops to your daily water, juice, or smoothies. It may also be used topically!
- Grapefruit/Lemon/Zinc Hydrosol Solutions™ – Grapefruit & Lemon rinds with added zinc, put through the steam distillation process. It is like the liquid version of a plant, containing its compounds but they become liposhperic, naturally. You can add drops to your daily water, juice, or smoothies. It may also be used topically!
6. Metal Mop™:
Many believe that heavy metal particles may be involved and that they are a layer to be worked on in Rope Worm detox. We do chelation a bit differently than most. In my research, it may be best to take a chelator every 6 hours, to continuously pick up any that are displaced. This may be a product to take once a week and choosing a day to take off of the other detox products, ensuring you can focus on its frequent use without distraction.
7. Chlorine Dioxide & Activator:
When we become ill, especially with pathogens that are well-known to be water-born, having a sanitizing solution may be called for, to sanitize the water that we drink, especially as we detox. We use water sanitation to prevent from contracting harmful bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens. The intention behind this addition is to sanitize a gallon of water to drink out of as you detox. It is to be respected and not misused. We are not liable for any misuse.
8. Enema~Ease™:
Enemas can be a very useful tool in the beginning of your detox journey. I do not suggest the enemas that require large buckets and equipment; however, I am not against them. I did not use them. I used a simple, 4 oz disposable fleet enema bottle that I cleaned out and reused, adding in my own concoctions, with extensive research on each herb/oil. You simply add droppers of this additive into your warm water and its ready to use. It is worth reminding you that we do not recommend daily enemas long term. We feel that they are to be used in the beginning stages and tapered down to weekly or less long term. This package will include the Rope Solutions™ scent.
9. Free Belly Button Solutions™:
We are proud pioneers of navel soaking! I found this method during my Rope Worm journey, at a time when there was no other information available on this method. Doing them while sleeping may be best and you will see that the body seems to soak in every drop. This package comes with many options but the Rope Solutions™ scent, which is also based on the Rope Worm Genome prevalent pathogens!
My Symptoms with A Rope Worm Compaction
I want to mention my symptom picture and at its height, I had a complete Rope Worm compaction within my body, and I felt completely septic. I had not had a bowel movement in almost two months. In November 2015 I felt strong and healthy, yet by March 2016 I felt like my time here was at an end. Keep in mind that I was literally the worst cases I had seen at that time. The first time I released matter, I expelled a thick, black substance like tar, similar to a baby’s first stool called meconium, for two solid weeks. I found my first Rope Worm, along with thousands of “flukes”. God himself only knows what I expelled beforehand. I was bedridden, too sick to take care of myself and to tend to my children. I find myself lucky, and guided, to have lived through my experience.
The days before I released my first Ropes, my symptoms were: chronic hair loss (losing it in clumps), head shaking similar to Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue, loss of speech, disabling anxiety, full-blown panic attacks, persistent sugar cravings, daily migraine headaches, auditory hallucinations (loud booms), floaters in my eyes, fiber-like structures in the fluid of my eyes, the feeling of tiny organisms spinning around inside of my skull that took around ten minutes to move an inch length, permanent flu symptoms, insomnia, fast weight gain (my arms wouldn’t lay flat at my sides), a boring sensation in my breast (boring deeper over time)(moving to other spots sometimes but mainly in the breast), a lump on my chest that sporadically swelt up, skin that looked like an 80 year old woman, broken blood vessels covered my chest, a large lump under the left rib cage near my spleen (sat up in the tub once and it came up over my rib bones – as large as a baseball and felt like a knotted up rope), paralyzed bowels, disks slipping out of place while sleeping, sore and red rash patches of Candida covering the inside of my mouth, sore throat, fungus on my foot and toenails, growths like black mushrooms quickly blooming up and down my arms, cysts appearing under the skin of my legs, heart palpitations, aching heart muscle, blood pressure over 200 around the clock, a pulling sensation within the muscles of my lower jaw, long rubbery “casts” of mucus deep in my nasal passage that went down my throat, and massive movements like a snake thrashing around inside of my stomach.
Additional information
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Core Ionic Cleanse Options: | 2 Mix Powdered Cleanse, 2 Mix Liquid Traditional Tincture Cleanse, 2 Mix Liquid Lipospheric Tincture Cleanse, 2 Mix Liquid Glycerite Cleanse, 2 Mix Encapsulated Cleanse, 4 Mix Powdered Cleanse, 4 Mix Liquid Traditional Tincture Cleanse, 4 Mix Liquid Lipospheric Tincture Cleanse, 4 Mix Liquid Glycerite Cleanse, 4 Mix Encapsulated Cleanse |
Tincture #1 Options: | Antibiot~Ease™, Bacterial Solutions™, Biofilm Grenade™, 2 oz. Bloodroot, Constipation Solutions™, CoInfect~Ease™, Cytokine Storm™, Dragon's Blood, Fluke~Ease™, Garlic Tears™, Homeostase~Ease™, Lyme Solutions™, MediMush™, Parasite~Ease™ (Core Cleanse Mix), Pathogen Purge™, Rope Solutions™, Tape Solutions™ |
Tincture #2 Options: | Antibiot~Ease™, Bacterial Solutions™, Biofilm Grenade™, 2 oz. Bloodroot, Constipation Solutions™, CoInfect~Ease™, Cytokine Storm™, Dragon's Blood, Fluke~Ease™, Garlic Tears™, Homeostase~Ease™, Lyme Solutions™, MediMush™, Parasite~Ease™ (Core Cleanse Mix), Pathogen Purge™, Rope Solutions™, Tape Solutions™ |
Collagen Options: | 4 oz. OralToler~Ease™ Liquid Collagen, 4 oz. HiveZymes™ |
SlimeZyme™ Options: | 1 oz. SlimeZymes™ Powder, 4 oz. Liquid, Lipospheric SlimeZymes™ |
Astringent Support: | 4 oz. Hydrosol Solutions™ (Eucalyptus & Lemon), 4 oz. Hydrosol Solutions™ (Grapefruit/Lemon/Zinc) (60 Cups) |
Heavy Metal Detox Options: | 4 oz. Metal Mop™ |
Chlorine Dioxide Options: | 1 oz. Crystal Pure Solutions™ Water Sanitation Combo |
Enema~Ease™ Options: | 4 oz. Rope Solutions™ Enema Additive |
Belly Button Solutions™ Options: | 2 oz. Belly Button Solutions™ Navel Soak In Rope Solutions™ Scent |
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