Plasma of the Sea™


Concentrated Seawater

 May Support: Trace Vitamins & Minerals, Skin, & Grounding!


Seawater Distillate Discussion:

Many describe seawater as being a natural liquid that is closest to our own blood. That is not entirely correct, and it is more of a marketing strategy. In truth, there are only a couple of elements that they both contain as intracellular concentrations. Those two would be sodium and potassium. Seawater is dense in almost 100 essential trace elements. This is a seawater concentrate, which is a result of the steam distillation process.

What I feel is special about seawater, aside from marine nutrition benefits, is that it is a natural lipospheric suspension! Trace vitamins & mineral supplements are actually made of concentrated seawater. To name only a few of the elements present in seawater would be magnesium, sodium, calcium, potassium, strontium, lithium, bromide, boron, bromide of rubidium, chlorine, sodium hydroxide, “uranium, and much, much more. These elements are all known to be beneficial to the body’s largest organ as well – the skin.

Seawater may be helpful for skin care, vitamin and mineral support, and as a source of electrolytes. Saltwater may help to avoid cellular bacterial proliferation. It has natural antibiotic properties that also act as an antiseptic. It may help to disinfect minor wounds. The concentrated salt may be an amazing cleaner and sterilizing agent. Seawater has been used for generations to clean and sterilize infection, as an astringent, to boost circulation, to enhance the skin, a preservative, to rinse out the mouth, and to gargle with a sore throat.

Seawater concentrate has been studied for its anti-inflammatory benefits on keratinocytes, due to its high magnesium content. It is no secret that the condition called “Morgellons” may be related to unbalanced keratinocyte and fibroblast functioning. It is known to stimulate elastin production, enhancing the flexibility of fibrous tissues, and for tone preservation.

We collect our seawater from densely vegetative areas, to ensure that the plants have helped to clean the water from any toxicity. The deep marsh contains plants and mud that act like a sponge, binding impurities from the atmosphere and soil. The seawater is put through a micro filtration system and then put through the steam distillation process.

Seawater supplementation may help us to ground our body. The reason a visit to the beach may make you feel good; is because of the negative ion connection we receive through our bare feet connecting to the Earth. This type of energy is good for the mind, body, and the soul.

 We also offer VitaMin~Ease, which is this concentrated seawater, along with added humic & fulvic acids!

Hydrosol Discussion:

Hydrosol is made during the steam distillation process. The plant matter is added to a vat of sterile water, which we allow to sit and steep, ensuring a dense hydrosol in the end. The vat is then heated to high temperatures that create dense steam. The steam is quickly cooled, solidifying it back to its liquid state and it still contains the plant compounds and its essential oil. The essential oil is the prize that most distillers desire. Upon sitting, the essential oils begin to float on top of the hydrosol, which then gets separated and removed. However, we do it differently! We do not take the essential oil out of the hydrosol. Our hydrosols still contain their essential oils intact!

Amazingly, the steam converted hydrosol is a naturally collided suspension that contains the vitamins, nutrients, acids, essential oils, aromatic compounds, and other soluble constituents.

Hydrosol is Hydrosol is clear, powerfully scented, and non-sticky, making it great to use as a body, facial, or linen/room spray. We suggest adding it to your herbal tea or water throughout the day. You must do your own research to know whether a specific plant itself is edible. If the plant is edible, the hydrosol is as well. Also, be sure to consult with your practitioner if you are on medications, just as you would any herb that you plan to use orally.

Keep your hydrosol product refrigerated to extend its shelf life and to chill your facial/body spray, making it refreshingly cool! There are no preservatives added to our hydrosols.

Possible Uses: room/linen spray, detox baths, lotions, shampoo, conditioner, body/facial spray, diffuser or nebulizer additive, gargle solution, blemish or acne application, belly button soak, food/tea additive, and in any way essential oil is normally used. 

We will create ANY hydrosol that you need! If you have a request for a custom hydrosol request, please email me at! We will be constantly expanding this category. Be sure to check back in often!

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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Bottle Variations:

In A Spray Bottle, In A Dropper Bottle

Plasma of the Sea™ Ingredients:

Ingredients: 100% Pure Deep Seawater


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Plasma of the Sea™