Mushroom – Turkey Tail
$9.99 – $119.99
Individual Herbs
Standard Tincture / Lipospheric Tincture / Glycerite / Encapsulated / Herbal Tea / Loose Powder / Topical Ointment / Infused Oil / Detox Soap Bricks
Support For: Energy Levels, Athletic Performance & Strength, & Cognitive Decline!
Trametes versicolor “Turkey Tail” Mushroom Products
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Specialties of Turkey Tail Mushroom:
Turkey Tail mushrooms, “Tramates versicolor” and “Coriolus versicolor” got their name because, well – they resemble the tail of a turkey! There are over 120 strains of turkey tail mushroom. The specialty benefits that turkey tail mushrooms may provide are that it may give a boost of energy, lowering excessive fluid from the body, toxin-binding capabilities, and its support for the organs, especially the liver, lung, and spleen. These organs may also be associated with Rope Worm as well, making turkey tail something to consider adding to your mucus-free regimen. It is also known to be supportive for joint pain, hemorrhoids, coughing, and respiratory ailments.
In TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine), turkey tail is most popular as a tea. However, with its growing popularity, it is available as tinctures, glycerites, and capsules that may offer potent benefits as well. Turkey tail is known for its support for cognitive decline and is said to boost cognitive abilities. Many websites speak about its capabilities to enhance cancer therapies, but this needs to be studied more to make such claims.
Turkey tail is popular within the athletic community. It is commonly used by many to enhance exercise performance. It is known for its support with fatigue, increasing their pain threshold, and muscular and strength abilities. They are also animal-safe for cats and dogs. Be sure to look up the exact species and do your own homework before giving any mushrooms to your pet.
Benefits of All Medicinal Mushrooms:
All edible mushrooms may have something to offer, including the button mushrooms found at the grocery store. Some are gentle, while others need to be respected, requiring caution on the first use. Always start slowly, work up to the recommended dose. Mushroom products, including liquids, can be used internally and externally. You can use them in a detox bath, directly on the skin, lesions, sores, or any blemish.
We wildcraft, or purchase wildcrafted when possible, which contain every part, including some of the mycelium. The stems actually work synergistically with the cap! Do not throw them away! The stem is known as a potentiator, meaning that it may enhance other plant compound actions, due to its beta glucans. These are the constituents that are known for its support with macrophages and the immune system, and neutrophils. Beta glucans are also said to lower cholesterol absorption, as it moves through the digestive tract, and in turn supports heart health. Mushrooms are dense in water-soluble fiber, which may provide bowel motivation. Ribonucleotides are found in the stem and are responsible for the flavors.
The biggest question we get asked is, “Can I eat mushrooms with candida or fungal issues?” Candida feeds on simple sugars, something that mushrooms do not contain. Mushrooms contain an abundance of antioxidants, polysaccharides, ribonucleotides, and protein-bound polysaccharides, which are the constituent that fights candida.
Mushrooms supply a complete vitamin B complex! A vitamin B deficiency is commonly associated with pathogenic issues. They do not feed on the vitamin B compounds that we eat. Rather, they break down our tissues to feed on the nutritive content.
Mushrooms contain niacin, some more than others. Those dense in niacin, act as a flush for toxins and toxic matter. Mushrooms also have some of the most potent anti-inflammatory compounds found and are known to be highly supportive of the immune system! This is mostly due to their cytokine modulating compounds, which are like tiny switches that turn parts of our immunity on and off. Our own immune system can be responsible for inflammatory attacks. Pathogens manipulate our immune system, rather than do the work themselves.
They are rich in riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid. When you receive these compounds together, you may be protecting heart health. Riboflavin is beneficial for your red blood cells and niacin supports digestive health and skin.
They contain selenium, potassium, copper, iron, and phosphorus. They are also high in antioxidants, such as ergothioneine and glutathione, which are said to be preventatives and supportive of many types of neurological issues, especially the more common and chronic ones. As a matter of fact, by consuming them daily, you may boost brain health, memory, and lessen cognitive decline.
They are also immune stimulators and boosters. Mushrooms are highly protective of the liver, which is especially helpful to those suffering from fungal and pathogenic issues because the liver works overtime to process their toxins.
Many are looking to supplement vitamin D. There are a few other ways to get it. There is the synthetic form, which many say didn’t agree with them, which is also used in brand name rodent poisons. You can go out into the sun, which may only be possible at certain times of the year. Mushrooms are the only plant source of vitamin D. They create it with a compound called ergosterol. Click Here to learn more. They naturally synthesize vitamin D from sunlight, which means they may support anything that vitamin D is known for, including bone health and strength!
We offer a UV Light Bath™, for all mushroom products, including the powders. The tinctures are the highest recommended to be bathed in light because it is said that the process may enhance them by up to 4000%! By placing your mushrooms, and herbs dense in chlorophyll, the vitamin D and nutritional content may be massively increased. You can purchase a UV light to give your own mushrooms bath by going over to that page. You cany read more about this process by going over to our blog “Medicinal Mushrooms Game Changer – Boosting Vitamin D“.
We have many types of medicinal mushrooms, some of which can only be found here! Click on the mushroom’s name to be redirected to its individual page, elsewhere on this website – Bondarzewia, Button, Chaga, Cordyceps, Lion’s Mane, Maitake, Oyster, Reishi, Ringless Honey, Shitake, Sulfur Shelf “Chicken of the Woods”, Trumpet, and lastly, we have a blend of all of them called MediMush™.
Herbal Product Variations
The sky is the limit! We offer our herbs in multiple methods of administration, which is simply a dramatic term referring to the ways that an herb can be taken. For example, you can get an herb as a standard tincture, a liposhperic/oxygenated tincture, vegetable glycerite, herbal tea, encapsulated, as a loose powder, an infused oil, detox soap, or topical ointment.
I am a firm advocate of saturation, which can be achieved by taking one herb, or blend, in two different variations. The more ways that you can use an herb, the saturated you will become. For example, choose the plant that you want support from and get multiple products, all of which go into the body in different ways. A liquid goes through tissues and into the blood, a powder goes through digestion, and don’t forget the navel, skin, and suppository inserts!
Get to know the herbs that you intend to use! Do its most medicinal compounds require heat, water, or alcohol extraction?
We take pride in the freshness and quality of our herbs. Many of our herbs are wildcrafted by us. We store them in whole form, to hand-grind, fresh – to order. If we cannot pick them, we first seek them out as wildcrafted and in whole form. We feel that wildcrafted is superior, ensuring a denser content of medicinal compounds, freshness, as well as higher enzymatic and antioxidant activity. Wildcrafting also allows us to include multiple parts of a plant. There is a natural synergy between the compounds that cannot be obtained by taking an extracted, single compound. For example, when you use the flower of the green tea plant, the leaf enzymatic activity can be enhanced by up to thousands of a percent! Wildcrafted herbs are always indicated on the label by the abbreviation “WC”.
Standard Tincture – Herbal compounds are extracted in an alcohol base. A tincture is considered to be the highest bioavailability, due to its superior absorption rate. The compounds do necessarily go through the digestion process, rather they are immediately ready for uptake by the tissues, by which they are transported directly into the bloodstream, and circulated to the organs. Tinctures are taken by adding droppers into water or juice. The dropper bulb does not completely fill up with a single squeeze. Yet one squeeze is considered to be “1 dropper”. Tinctures can also be taken by allowing the dropper’s content to sit under the tongue for 3+ minutes, then swallowing it down with a drink of water. Most of our customers find this method troublesome or impossible, especially if they are taking multiple tinctures. Therefore, you may add your droppers to a shot of water or juice. Tinctures of 4 oz. or less, come in a blue, glass dropper bottles. Tinctures of 8 oz. or more, come in blue, PET plastic bottles with a dropper.
Herbosomal/Lipospheric – The herbal world has still not caught up! We ARE the pioneers and first herbal company to offer lipospheric tinctures, as well as essential oils! The way the body utilizes them is similar to how the roots of plants use naturally collided nutrients from the soil!
Lipospheric products truly offer the highest-achievable bioavailability. This involves the same process that is used to create lipospheric vitamin c. The compounds go directly into the tissues and all that applies to a standard tincture can be applied to lipospheric products, and then some. This has been one of the most popular variations that our customers purchase.
In the lipospheric process, we put the product through an hour-long, alchemical, oxygenation application! The herbal and/or essential oil molecules are entrapped in tiny, microscopic bubbles, along with an oxygen molecule. There is an apparent color change of the liquid. Lipospheres are what the pharmaceutical industry uses for drug delivery. To ensure the highest bioavailability, keep your lipospheric products refrigerated.
If there is trace essential oil in your product, the oil, oxygen, and water molecules are integrated. Normally, when you add essential oil to water, it floats on the top, separated from the solution. When you liposphere essential oil, it is incorporated and evenly dispersed throughout the entire solution. This means that every drop of liquid contains oil, water, and oxygen. No dilution is required, and it is ready for use. Tinctures of 4 oz. or less, come in a blue, glass dropper bottle. Those that are 8 oz. or more, come in blue, PET plastic bottles with a dropper.
Glycerite – Herbal compounds are extracted in a non-alcoholic base of vegetable glycerin. It contains NO alcohol and NO sugar. Although, the taste resembles a sugary syrup, which makes it ideal for children. This variation may also be idea for those sensitive. The only downfall of a glycerite is that it requires a dosage of up to three times higher than a standard tincture, to receive comparable benefits. Glycerites are also taken in the same way as a tincture, in a shot of water or juice. It comes with a dropper and one squeeze of a dropper only results in it being half-full. Still, it is considered to be “1 dropper”. A glycerite cannot be offered in lipohspheric form. Glycerites of 4 oz. or less, come in a blue, glass dropper bottle. Those that are 8 oz. or more, come in blue, PET plastic bottles with a dropper.
Vegetarian Capsules – We hand-grind and hand-encapsulate our products into vegetarian capsules when they are ordered. For this reason, we required a bit of extra time to ship your capsules. Most of our herbs come in size 00 capsules, which offer approximately 750 mg. of herb. Supplements, enzymes, and child/animal capsules come in small, size 1 capsules, which offer approximately 400 mg. of herb. The capsules can be swallowed with 4 oz. of water or juice.
The capsules are slowly dissolved during the digestion process. At which time the herb, or supplement, is released, also digested, and the compounds make their way through the intestinal tissues, and then into the bloodstream. The benefit of purchasing our capsules is the whole herbal form is hand-ground fresh and immediately encapsulated, never sitting on a store shelf. Our capsules come in a stand-up, sealable, mylar, EMF-proof bag.
Herbal Tea – Tea bags are whole herb, hand-ground, and then bagged, to order. There is approximately 1 tsp. of herb per bag. Each bag can be brewed up to three times, each making up to 3 cups of lovely tea. Constituents will be extracted with each brew. Be sure to squeeze the bag gently upon finishing your cup tea. Don’t forget the medicinal residue settled at the bottom of the cup!
We highly recommend making concentrated teas. Generally, this is done by boiling 8 oz. of water down by 1/2, resulting in a 4 oz. cup of tea. Each label specifies the brewing instructions for that specific herb. The boiling time, if any, will vary, depending on the parts of the plant used. Keep in mind that some herbs grind down to a fluffy powder, which create many more tea bags than a silky, fine powder.
It may be best to drink as is, without adding a sugar substitute. Herbal tea has an earthy flavor, intended for the medicinal benefits. You can also brew a large portion of tea, storing it in the fridge for up to 5 days. To get the most out of your tea, drink it throughout the day. Lemon may be added, although we do not recommend using honey with chronic illness. Our teas come in a stand-up, sealable, mylar, EMF-proof bag.
Loose Herbal Powder – Our herbs are wildcrafted, stored, and sourced in whole form, hand-ground when you order it, never sitting on a shelf. The powders come in a stand-up, sealable, mylar, EMF-proof bag.
Topical Ointment – We make an oil-based salve, infusing it with your herb of choice. Each ointment will be scented with the identical essential oil, if possible. Otherwise, we pair it with an essential oil with similar intentions. The salves come in a 4 oz. blue, PET jar with a seal-lined lid.
Infused Oil – We delicately infuse sunflower and jojoba oils with the herb of your choice. Each infused oil is scented with the identical essential oil, if possible. Otherwise, we pair it with an essential oil with similar intentions. Infused oils 4 oz. or less, come in a blue, glass dropper bottle. Those that are 8 oz. or more, come in blue, PET plastic bottles with a dropper.
Organic Detox Soap – We create organic soap, infused with your herb of choice, in 8 oz. portions. Each herbal soap is scented with the identical essential oil, if possible. Otherwise, we pair it with an essential oil with similar intentions. The sizes and shapes of the soaps may vary. We use many different molds. However, there will be a total of 8 oz. of weight, even if that requires sending an extra bar. Our soaps are wrapped in wax paper.
All variations are child-safe, at the appropriate dosage. View our child & animal dosage guide by Clicking Here.
Always use herbs wisely and with common sense, as they are to be respected. Most of our herbal products have been tested by an energetic practitioner, using a bio resonance scanning system. The results have shown that our products are up to 360% more powerful than others! Including some of the brand names! Our customers’ have chosen our products over them because we create products that are unique, from the heart, and emanating healing energy, intended just for you!
Additional information
Weight | N/A |
Dimensions | N/A |
Herbal Product Variations: | 1 oz. Tincture, 2 oz. Tincture, 4 oz. Tincture, 8 oz. Tincture, 16 oz. Tincture, 4 oz. Lipospheric Tincture "Oxygenated", 8 oz. Lipospheric Tincture "Oxygenated", 16 oz. Lipospheric Tincture "Oxygenated", 2 oz. Glycerite (Non-Alcohol), 4 oz. Glycerite (Non-Alcohol), 8 oz. Glycerite (Non-Alcohol), 16 oz. Glycerite (Non-Alcohol), 1 oz. Bagged Herbal Tea (30+ Cups), 3 oz. Bagged Herbal Tea (75+ Cups), 6 oz. Bagged Herbal Tea (150+ Cups), 60 Vegetarian Capsules, 120 Vegetarian Capsules, 240 Vegetarian Capsules, 4 oz. Whole Mushrooms, 8 oz. Whole Mushrooms, 1 lb. Whole Mushrooms, 4 oz. Fluffy Powder (This Grinds Into A Fluffy Mass), 8 oz. Fluffy Powder (This Grinds Into A Fluffy Mass), 1 lb. Fluffy Powder (This Grinds Into A Fluffy Mass), 4 oz. Topical Ointment (Oil-Based), 8 oz. Detox Soap, 4 oz. Infused Oil, 8 oz. Infused Oil, 16 oz. Infused Oil |
UV Light Bath™ Options: | Yes! Give My Mushroom Product A UV Light Bath™, No! Do NOT Give My Mushroom Product A UV Light Bath™ |
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