Digestive Assimilation™


Digestive Enzymes

Pharmaceutical-Grade & Pure / No Fillers

May Support: Fugal & Protein Cell Dismantling & Assist in Plant & Protein Digestion


Digestive Assimilation Discussion:

You may ask yourself if managing your weight, digesting your food, or boosting your metabolism, would be easier if your body had assistance. The logical answer would be: “Of course!” We have the option today to supplement helpful tools, like enzymes, so that the body didn’t have to struggle to create them on its own. A complex like this may be one of the best things you can do to support the digestive processes.

This enzyme complex provides support for, and focuses on, dismantling food particles. It does this by creating a dense, digestive pool that is powerful in breaking down whatever dips into it. Each enzyme has a “specialty” molecule that it was designed by “Mother Nature” to dismantle. They work with a “lock and key” mechanism that grabs onto a particle, locking onto it like a puzzle piece.

Our saliva naturally contains amylase and other enzymes, which are considered to be the beginning of the digestive process. As soon as food goes into our mouths, the contact produces digestive enzymes and starts to break substances down immediately. When saliva is stimulated, a signal is sent to tell our body that food is on the way down. There are many enzymes the body has to make for the many food particles we take in and this complex contains those essential.  

There are enzymes in the blend that go after both proteins and carbohydrates. Our body does not create these enzymes on its own, as this may be why many complain of not digesting some foods well, like broccoli. When we digest matter, the sustenance received may be instantly absorbed through the gut wall, where it may then go into the body for processing. If we do not break plant matter down, it is a missed opportunity of essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and more. Partially digested food goes to the large intestine, continuing to be digested, but possibly and mainly by the harmful scavenging microbes. We should be receiving them instead!

As partially digested food travels down it may cause gas, bloating, and discomfort.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 1 × 1 × 6 in
Enzyme Variations:

4 oz. Oral Spray, 4 oz. Collided Solution, 1 oz. Powder


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Digestive Assimilation™