Crystal Pure Solutions™


Chlorine Dioxide Combo

Water & Surface Sanitation / Cleaning Solution Additive

D.M.S.O. Add-On Option!


Crystal Pure Solutions Discussion:

Chlorine dioxide is called “a powerful oxidizing solution”. It is a combination of two molecules. The ingredients are known for their surface capabilities. It is used to purify water when there are no sterile drinking water options. It is flexible, safe for the environment, and a destroyer/preventative of surface biofilms, helping to control biological growth. It is also said to be a powerful metal oxidate, which means that upon contact with metal particles, it may oxidize and dissipate them.

It is known as a drinking water purification solution. It seems as though mite pathogens may not enjoy oxygenation of their environment, wherever that may be. Mites may actually prefer, or cause, stagnation. This may explain why it seems that mites may only be attracted to one person when there are multiple family members within the home.

This is a double combo that consists of a sodium chlorite solution and an activator, in separate bottles. Even a small amount lasts a very long time. There is little to no smell. The combo comes in 2 oz., 4 oz, and 8 oz. variations. It is easy to use, as you simply add a drop of each bottle to every 4 oz. of water.

It may also be used to make a cleaning solution for bleachable surfaces and tapestries. You do not want to use it on anything that is dark in color, as it may bleach. We do not advocate the uses or benefits. We do not tell you how to use it. We encourage you to do your own research, including the cautions! 

The same applies to D.M.S.O, also known as Dimethyl Sulfoxide. It is used for many purposes in the cosmetic, health, and pharmaceutical industries. It is highly sought out to be purchased and used alongside chlorine dioxide.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A

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DMSO Add On Options:

Yes, Add On 2 oz. DMSO, No, Do NOT Add DMSO In My Package

Crystal Pure Solutions™ Sodium Chlorite Ingredients:

Ingredients: 29% Sodium Chlorite, Distilled water.

Crystal Pure Solutions™ Citric Acid Activator Ingredients:

Ingredients: 50% Citric Acid, Distilled water.


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