Breast Support Package


Breast Support Collaborative Package 

Tinctures / Glycerites / Capsules / Herbal Tea / Topical Ointment / Detox Soap / Infused Oil / Essential Oil / Mammary Mud

Saturate Your Breasts in Healing Compounds

Choose 2 Oral & 2 Topical Products to Achieve Saturation!

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Breast Support Package Discussion:

A comprehensive package containing all of our products that offer breast support. 

Why wait to support the healing of your breasts at home? Especially while going through the testing process. The breasts are primarily fibrous and fatty tissues, including many ducts. The breast tissue covers the breast and much of the collarbone area, ribcage center, and armpit. The nipples are made up of thin, absorbable skin that may act as secret doorways in!

Transdermal application of herbs and essential oils have been used for breast support throughout history. Modern times offer new ways to “think outside of the box”. Modern times supply us with specific ingredients to also possibly enhance absorption. Poultices are mostly known for their use on the abdomen. We do not realize that they may absorb just as well anywhere else on the body. Topical saturation of the breasts may directly deliver healing power and bypass digestion, where some compounds may be damaged. Multiple methods of administration may allow us to fight in multiple ways!

Breast Support Package