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“Allowing The Synergy Of Nature To Ease!”

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Uniquely fragrant, deeply satisfying.

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Anonymous Feedback

I want to take this opportunity to say thank you for offering the best quality and variety of herbal medicines available in the market today. Your herbs have saved my life and have gone a long way toward reliving my Candida / Lyme / Biofilm problems.

Raw Egg Testimonial

I just have to write you and tell you thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you have done from providing your tinctures to the info on your website. I went from being sick for years (8 years severely, but a lifetime of perpetual brain fog and digestive issues) to being completely healed. The last of my issues was having a persisting intolerance to wheat and I no longer have such an issue. By taking your tinctures and following your suggestions with raw egg, I was able to regain tolerance to wheat, which was a life long problem for me, that only continued to get worse. But now I have freedom to consume foods again (Whole Foods, home cooked).
I’m in absolute awe. Between Buhner’s books and your website and tinctures, not only was I able to heal myself but my family as well.
🙏 thank you from the bottom of my heart For providing such priceless info and support!
God bless!


Crystal, I am truly astounded with the massive amount of information you have learned along your journey, with all the trials and errors and the knowledge you have crystallized in your brain, no pun intended. I know no one more in tune with their own vessel. You are driving a tank through this war on humanity armed with ammo for a multitude of foreign enemies. All I can say is BRAVO woman, BRAVO!!!



“I  just want to first start off by saying thank you. I bought the fulvic and humic acid powder. I’ve been taking half a teaspoon everyday for half a week so far. It’s truly amazing how great it’s worked for making me feel like a whole new man. Well not really new, I just finally feel like myself again. No more head aches, no more brain fog, decreased joint pain and muscle aches and just a whole lot more energy. All this has contributed to me having less anxiety and just an overall better feeling. It’s really helped get all the junk out of my body that has been making me feel like crap and I can’t wait to see how much better I continue to feel in the future. You’re awesome!”


I used the Soothe~Ease detox bath. Gotta say that was amazing. I read up on it online and did put a few drops on my body, where immediately what seemed like grains of salt came out! So I did my first bath with it at 10:30 that night. Late, but we were pretty excited about the prospect of clearing my mite load. I have used the  Lather~Ease shampoo for 3 nights now. Last night on the 3rd night, three larger “things” immediately came to the surface once lathered. They were all different, but similar to what we have been seeing. And I had just done a sulfur shampoo and gone over with a flea comb (as advised by integritive dr) right before using this product. The bath also produced things in the tub, we just swiped the surface of the tub and looked at it under the microscope. We were in shock!


Product Praise: Foaming Hand Soap
I got my foaming hand soap in and it was better than anything I have EVER used. How many times a day do we wash our hands (location of major body meridians) in extremely toxic soap.

Flip that thought to feeding those meridians with powerful regenerating ingredients. That is EXACTLY what this soap is doing multiple times a day. An Amazing MUST HAVE for all bathrooms and kitchens.💛💞💎

Connie M.

Crystal, your toothpaste is AWESOME!

Nothing else has improved my teeth so quickly or effectively. They don’t hurt anymore. Thanks so much for your wonderful products, wisdom and generosity! (Cavit~Ease™)

Jennifer S.

I want to Thank You for the wonderful products you sent me!

The Co- Infection – Ease, the Mite – Ease and the Fiber – Ease have done wonders for giving me relief from the thousands of fibers, mites and other gunk that has been coming out of my eyes, nose and skin for nine years now! It is truly unbelievable! My eyelashes are even growing back! I put the oils in my bath and spray this all over my body.

Then I mix them with coconut oil and run that all over my body. At first, the fibers and monsters came out in full force! That lasted a few days, but it was worth the suffering! My hair is actually my hair again!!

Theresa W.

Just a note to thank you for the wonderful products you make!

I just got my package and tried the Nasal Solutions and all I can say is “Wow!” It is far better than any other nose spray I have tried!!! Give it a try and you will be hooked on it too!!!

Rosario G.

I love this oil! 

(About Frequency Solutions Essential Oil)

Telah Q.

I am madly in Love with DisEase Solutions Ylang Ylang essential oil.

I use the Drowsy Ease essential oils blend every night in my diffuser it is a must for me

(it smells beautiful and it’s so shocking to me that it smells so good, because it does have valerian in it which doesn’t smell good but you can barely even detect the valerian this blend) but oh my I put two drops of the Ylang Ylang in with the Drowsy Ease just because the scent is so heavenly for me. I’m absolutely in Love with it. All of the essential oils I’ve ordered have been exquisite. I made inhalers with the Frequency blend and an Energy blend that I also got from her recently. For me, inhalation route is even better than topical. I take them to work in my scrub pockets and sniff on them all day! I have sample of Sandalwood and Neroli, both of those oils are very costly from other companies, I Love Sandalwood and Frankincense in an Epsom salt bath but Sandalwood got so costly that it was just ridiculous to use in a bath LOL. So totally relaxing and calming though.

Leslie R.

I wanted to show everyone how amazing the Lather~Ease shampoo can be for the hair!

My granddaughter normally has wavy hair with a few small tight curls under the hairline on the neck, but her hair curled up after using Lather~Ease and its so soft! I also noticed in the tub that there were some strange black color strands of hair that came off of her that were not her normal hair color….

I imagine with the shampoo having heavy metal detox support and Parasite~Ease in it, that it possibly breaking up the pathogens on the scalp. I don’t know for sure but all I can say is her hair was absolutely beautiful and it smelled fresh for two days. She always asks if I received any goodies from Crystal and it’s the cutest thing ever! This product is amazing Crystal Tripp! I also use the Shampoo and my hair feels amazing but I wanted to state that this works for children as well!

Susie W.


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